Activating purpose-driven public communications on a macro scale

We lead the implementation of government targets, leveraging experience and resources to develop destination’s nation branding and establish a strong worldwide recognition.

Pioneering media to drive cultural transformation

CubitCode uses versatile teams to drive innovation and digital transformation. We align with existing visions, embrace core values, and build organizations to shape mass identity through media.

Vision implementation support
Public advocacy planning
Mainstream show conceptualization
Macro project design
On-ground activations (hearts & minds)
Media distribution (through our partners)


Discover how our holistic approach drives impactful business development.


Creators Inc.

A community of ten thousand creators shaping media in MENA.

Purpose white only@4x



A Media-Tech-Preneurship Talent Program for Neom

Harnessing the power of technological advancements with governments

We enhance digitized governments by promoting forward-thinking technology, augmented experiences, and on-ground activation. We lead the launch, optimization, integration, and maintenance of digital services for sovereign entities.

Global trends experience design
E2E platforms implementation
Technology ecosystem buildup
Digital frameworks design
PMO support
On-ground Technology deployments


Discover how our holistic approach drives impactful business development.

property management

The Grand Egyptian Museum

Innovative commercial property and community management

MP Building Design

AD Opera House

Proposed a technological concept to become the new destination icon

Accelerating community productivity towards vision fulfillment

We fund ventures, empower communities, and promote youth entrepreneurship, supporting sovereign entities to build thriving ecosystems and boost economic growth.

National soft power projects
Creative community ecosystem development
M&A support
City branding and destination design
Innovation hubs & community management (Youth empowerment)
Macroeconomic fund management


Discover how our holistic approach drives impactful business development.


AD - Wellness ecosystem

Created the first of its kind ecosystem that promotes Abu Dhabi as the first Wellness Hub in the world.

industry Specific Hubs

The Grid

Egypt’s Central Bank fintech hub design and ecosystem strategy

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